What Is Osteoporosis?

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With advancing age, the skeleton bone starts maturing with slow rate of calcium loss, however with the advent of advancing age, the rate of calcium loss doubles. This has led to an awareness that anemia may lie close to 30% of cases in post menstrual period, and the bone wasting syndrome osteoporosis has started to be more noticed.

Osteoporosis is the term given to the situation where the skeletal bones become brittle and break easily. The skeleton is formed by long thin bones that are influenced by both calcium and vitamin D for its mineralization. With the absence of these two minerals, the mineralization process of the bones lose its ability to produce new minerals, and it starts to degenerate.

A long term exposure to this condition can result in the formation of bony spurs, which are caused by bone wasting. These spurs are not considered to be a source of pain till the condition reaches its worst period, when the bones in the affected area start to show signs of melting or brittle breaking.

Bones are important to our body. They help in protecting us from injury, as they act as a cushion to protect our internal organs. It is very important that we maintain a healthy amount of bone mass because it helps us to protect the organs from injury by sandwiching them.

However, gaining excessive bone mass is not always healthy. When the body maintains a build up of excessive calcium, it can sometime berozen and it would cause the kidney to retain excessive water and it may become difficult for the kidneys to remove the excess water. This can sometimes result in the condition known as kidney stone which is known for someone who has excess calcium in their system.

The condition of having anemia is another painful condition that some people are exposed to. Osteoporosis can be a risk factor for anemia. When anemia sets in, the number of red blood cells in the blood is decreased, and this may result in the formation of folic acid which is a component required for the synthesis of hemoglobin in the blood. Delements are also consumed in the body through the foods we eat and we can also ingest unwanted substances in the body through dental fillings and other body weight loss Surgery.

Eating foods that are high in bone building minerals and vitamin D are two items that could be of great help to a person suffering from osteoporosis. Such foods include dairy foods, salmon, chicken, peas, beans, tea, water, oats, and soy. There are also herbs that are known for their ability to support the growth of bone cells such as garlic and ginkgo biloba.

It is not easy to cure osteoporosis, but there are medications that are available to help with the symptoms. Calcium supplements are available over the counter, and they are reasonably priced and easy to swallow. However, it is difficult to swallow a pills unless they are broken into small pieces, and they can be painful to take. Thyroid meds are also available in the market and are available to be taken orally. These meds are intended to treat hypothyroidism caused by a lack of proper thyroid gland function. Anyone who suffers from an underactive thyroid gland should see a physician as soon as possible as it can result in many undesirable side effects.

There are a number of other antimutic herbs that are available to treat different conditions, and the choices of these herbs are endless, according to professionals in the industry. However, it is important to note that not all herbs are safe to use because they are not 100% natural, and may contain chemicals that can be harmful to the body. Looking for 100% natural herbs is the best way to go, but that is not always possible for every consumer. Because adequate knowledge of the herbs and their effects on the body is important, it is a good idea to consult a doctor first.

That said, a diet rich in bone building minerals and vitamin D is a good choice to make every day. Those who do not take in these minerals and vitamins are more likely to develop a number of health risks.

Protein is needed by the body for its continuous repair and development. Adequate protein intake is important in achieving healthy muscle mass and glowing red blood cells.

A diet rich in water and mineral rich water is also a good choice for hydration. Health professionals recommend a daily intake of 6-8 glasses of water per day.

Keeping in mind that there are risks with any diet, it is important to incorporate a variety of good, nutritious foods into your one. Just because you may be tempted to eliminate a certain food group from your diet, do not limit yourself. Instead, reduce your calorie intake by 200 – 250 calories daily and make sure you are getting a balanced distribution of the essential nutrients for proper nourishment of your body.
