Protein Shakes Are An Excellent Health Food

meat and cheese burger surrounded by sesame seeds

Bodybuilders aren’t the only people who drink protein shakes every day. In fact, protein shakes make an excellent health food – great tasting, convenient, portable, and highly nutritious. Whether your goals are to lose weight, build muscle, or just improve your overall health, incorporating protein shakes into your daily meals can be a great way to reach your goals.

If you haven’t already guessed by now, protein shakes do more than just aid bodybuilders pack on muscle tissue. For everybody (not just bodybuilders & athletes), a good protein shake can help you:

– increase energy levels

– increase your lean muscle mass (It doesn’t matter if you’re male or female – this is always a good thing!)

– enhance your immune system

– promote healing/recovery

– boost metabolism (which in turn, burns fat quicker)

Unfortunately, choosing a great tasting and high quality protein powder is not easy. Make the wrong choice and you’ll be stuck with having to drink shakes that taste like chalk (not that i’ve tasted chalk).

Not only that, protein powders can be really expensive when compared to the tin of MILO or Horlicks or packet of Milk you’re so used to buying.

Some brands have recipes that are geared towards taste, and not nutrition and are loaded with sugar — often 30 grams or more — and frequently have no more than 10 or 15 grams of protein. Thats the nutritional profile of a milk shake not a protein shake!

So, to do everyone a favour, I’m going to do the choosing for you.

Now, I’m obviously going to Deep South Pacific waters for my source… but that beats the living day of deep southern pacifics. That just doesn’t make sense. Deep pacifics are where the tuna, hoki and others that have been harvested for centuries are caught, and the delicate nature of the fish makes it impossible to collect them in quantities large enough to make a significant quantity of oil.

I’m very fussy about where I get my oil from. Besides that, I’m a bit embarrassed to say, I’m not always 100% honest when I fill my car with it.

That’s why I’m writing this article now, and hopefully it will lead you to a source for your daily omega 3.

The two main sources for omega 3 are the Zinc and Magnesium concentrate from indigenous peoples of the Pacific, and the purified fish oil from your local supermarket.


Zinc is an essential mineral that is required for men and women’s reproductive health, and is the most abundant nutrient available to us. Zinc is integrationally linked with the other minerals we consume and is vital in the proper functioning of our immune system and sense of wellbeing.

Many men will suffer a zinc deficiency in the present through a diet of processed foods and twenties.een. It can lead to mild anemic conditions and actually has been linked to greater susceptibility to infections and diseases of all kinds.

Pantothenic Acid

After my last one year examination, I had a remarkable realization. I had previously been experiencing loss of my appetite and tiredness, but had not taken any dietary supplements. That had been a big mistake. The coinciding symptoms told me that my body was producing less Pantothenic Acid then I had ever expected.

Within a few days of implementation, my weight loss surprised me. I lost 12.5 pounds and I’ve kept it off. This is all due to the power packed weight loss cream supplied by Pantothenic Acid and retina.When present in high enough concentrations, Pantothenic acid acts as a reducing agent within the body. importing thecoal to yourfired body’s metabolismfrom plants, you generate energyand the acid derived from the coal enables your body to begin its activity.

This energy generated by the body combines with the dietary pills and hoodia to accelerate fat sweeping through out the body. The coal in the mixture sticks to, and burns, fats making the cell membranes more permeable to nutrients. This process is independent of dietary ingestion and in fact requires no dietary ingestion. However, it works in conjunction with the creams and pills. As the cleansing agent, it begins its work by disrupting chemical preserves within the lipid layer of the fat cells. Purity is finally achieved when the purified combination of anthraquinones, piperine and caffeine is applied.

After such long hectic days at the office and school, we need something to reverse the decline, to kick start our decline. Research has shown that the loss of the brain chemical serotonin leads to the decline of the individual. Blood testing has revealed that many Alzheimer’s patients have significantly lower levels of the essential fatty acid DHA then people with Alzheimer’s.

fries and meat on chopping board