Tips For A Great Wining And Dining Experience

As a dedicated food enthusiast, I constantly seek opportunities to gather up some friends and family and make a reservation at an attractive restaurant. For me, there is something so comforting and satisfying in sharing a meal with good people! Every now and then however, things don’t go according to plan and you could be left with an unpleasant, if not awkward dining experience. Below I discuss some things that could go wrong and offer sound advice on how to best handle a nasty situation so that your dining experience will always be deemed great!

The first bit of advice I can give you, not just for a pleasant meal out but for anything in life actually is thata pleasant experience starts with a pleasant mind. And if you are planning on sharing a meal with other pleasant and positive people, it is sure to be a success and a night to remember! Never expect the worst, because what you are prepared for is usually what you will get. If you are visiting a new restaurant, a good idea would be to do some research online, perhaps they have a website that offers images of their tables and meals or even better, they might give you a preview of their menu! You will be surprised how this information puts you at ease and a relaxed mind is a happy mind!

person holding orange citrus fruit

Now with that being said, it could be that your expectations are not met once you arrive at your restaurant of choice – no need to kick up a fuss.Adjust the situation in the most befitting wayand who knows; perhaps it all turns out even better than expected. The key here is to relax and make the most out of any situation, if you do this the rest of your guests are likely to follow suit!

Next, let’s look at how unwelcome situations can be dealt with:

Good food should come with good service right? RIGHT! You should expect nothing less at anyrestaurant. If you do find yourself with a lazy or unorganised waiter however, should you just let it slide? Definitely not, but you should handle the situation pleasantly and fairly. Kindly thank the waiter for his service thus far, but then make it known to him that you are unsatisfied and hope that he will put a bit more effort in. If his service does not improve after this, then ask for the manager and calmly and politely discuss the situation. Never make a scene, it is not necessary and if anything, this will most likely be a talking point and will be well received by all concerned.

Let’s take a look at what you should expect form a pleasant and efficient waiter.

1. arming the table and checking the menu each time you come to the table. This should be fairly frequent. It is vital that you have a feel for the timescale and don’t take forever to make your order. If your luck is bad at first, just remember to ask for help when it goes badly wrong.2. Proper and friendly service. This is not only the most important thing at any restaurant, but most customers will give a kidney stone if they are not helped properly!3. Letting you know when something is not right. This is either by asking or showing you the concerned.4. Properly prepping food before it is served.5. At times, you may find yourself having to try something new or check something that you have never tried before. Especially if you are diabetic, always be sure to check your menu as closely as possible, no matter how well you know it.6. The Most important thing is to always be positive. By being positive, you will be reminded of the fact that you are in a loved and important place that needs to be nurtured.

Even though it is not required, make sure that you give your best. Do not start the day off with a meal at a restaurant that you only half finished or worse, turning up at the wrong time. Always have great things to say about the place while you are there! Even though it might sound precautionary, you might need to repeat the ritual of checking out the menu each time you pass by!

Now you have the best of wishes for your next restaurant shopping trip, have a happy and healthy meal, and just feel good about dining out!

brown and black donut on white ceramic plate