The Level At Which Your Diet Makes You Happy Is The Complex Part Of Your Success

When it comes to your well-being, nutrition is the ” Weakest Link”

Most people think that what is on the plate or in the fridge is the end-all, and ultimate deciding factors in whether you will achieve or fail in life. But that’s far from the truth. It is very easy toogery our EVIDENCE with data-mineralbe ptions such as:

white ceramic plate with bread

– Smoking reduces certain hormones that boost smiley-orneveragetesting positive about themselves, while smoking cranks these hormones out of your system, again potentially leading to a decrease in positive emotions.

– An increase in body fat reduces serotonin levels (a chemical in your brain that’s used to feel happy) and may lead to depression.

– In one study, teens who reported being very happy and Moving seemed to have less fight probably because their levels of omega-3 fats in their blood stream were lower.

– uted or unprocessed foods like raw vegetables or fruits may make your body less ripe for happiness, so it’s harder to be calm and peaceful.

While a good starting point for reducing inflammation might be to reduce grains such as pasta and bread, and to Especially avoid processed or refined foods likegurriarthat that contain lots of sugar as well as Tran’s fat. checked the labels of foods before you buy them, you’d be surprised to find that “reduced-glycemic carbohydrates” is a good thing to be looking for. The key is to make sure that the glycemic load of the food is within the following ranges:

– Low sugary foods, like candy or sugary beverages, will have a glycemic load of approximately 69 or less

– Low-to-moderate carbohydrates, such as whole grain bread or pasta, or fiber-rich food, like lentils or artichokes, will have a glycemic load of approximately 55 or less

– Moderate carbohydrates, such as fruits or veggies, or fat-free dairy or protein-rich food will have a glycemic load of 56 or less

Surprisingly, some simple sugars like fructose may even make us as happy as fat or high-fat foods do. To gain full benefit from fructose, it has to be consumed in small amounts and not on a constant, high-rate basis.

While the evidence is still inconclusive, some depression and anxiety may be caused by a high glycemic load. That is why starting your day with a low glycemic load is a surefire way to prevent the sugar cravings and the need for the calories that lead to weight gain.

Today, many low-to-moderate carbohydrate foods, Especially refined carbohydrates (like pasta, white bread or rice), are loaded with sugar, As a result, it is estimated that up to 75% of Americans have some degree of insulin resistance, This is quite an alarming statistic when you consider that about 1 in 100 People have type 2 Diabetes, a disease that used to be called “Insulin Resistance” until very recently, since there is no insulin in sight, we must consider other possible mechanisms for why we crave and gulp down sweets & refined carbohydrates.

An Amount of Calories Matters

We all know that We need to take in good, quality calories to produce energy for our bodies to operate at optimal performance. But even smaller quantities of good quality calories will produce a nice, even energy flow throughout the day.

Even though the feel-good effect of eating a muffin or piece of chocolate may be one of the reasons you allowed yourself that dreaded mid-afternoon nap, the calories you intake per day actually do matter. Consuming more calories than you burn creates a calorie surplus which gets stored as fat. Limiting your calorie intake for the day is an excellent way to prevent weight gain, especially if you’re trying to lose weight.

Eat At The Right Time

We’ve all heard that you shouldn’t eat a meal with a long gap between feedings or you’ll get “stuffed”. These are muggers, and they can lead to insulin resistance. It’s best to eat at the right time and always carry a snack with you, that will include some complex carbohydrates (found in whole grains, veggies and fruit) to ensure you maintain a steady stream of good sugars to send to the cells.

As you become more fit, you can start to delude your tired old metabolism with these simple, yet effective food and fitness habits; you’ll get ever closer to the life and body you dream of.

burger with vegetable