The Benefits Of Omega 3 Anti-inflammatory Foods – Top 5 Foods To Include In Your Diet

Through today’s busy lifestyle, people do not get enough of the essential nutrients required for a healthy body. Although there are a number of ways to add anti-inflammatory foods to your diet, it is best to try and do it all in one sitting. Here are the top 5 foods you need to start including in your diet today.

Fatty Fish – Eating tuna or salmon once or twice a week is not enough to help your body fight inflammation. Your body requires a daily dose of omega 3 fatty acids to fight inflammation, and eating fatty fish provides this much needed nutrient.

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Flax Seeds – These tolerate a bit of digestion and are a great resource for omega 3s. They are also abundant in antioxidants, a type of nutrient that helps to prevent many diseases, including arthritis and inflammation. A small handful of these every day will provide your body with what it needs.

Garlic – Considered one of the best natural remedies, garlic has been used for thousands of years to help with a variety of ailments, including sore throats, coughs, headaches and many more. Garlic’s anti-inflammatory properties helps to alleviate the pain and swelling associated with most arthritis and connective tissue disorders.

Cupuacu Fruit – Recently cupuacu was rated as one of the top 100 super foods of the world that provide the powerful anti-inflammatory benefits. It is a tree that is native to the Amazonian rain forest, where it is found raw or cooked. The cupuacu is packed with potent antioxidants that fight inflammation and damage to the arteries.

Kale -Probably one of the most underrated foods there is, kale is abundant in vitamins A, C and K as well as many minerals including calcium, magnesium and potassium. All of these are great in lowering your inflammation levels and protecting your body from all kinds of diseases.

Red Bell Peppers – All peppers contain acrylamides when they are raw, but when they are heated the chemical is released into the food. The acrylamides create substances that can thin the blood and reduce inflammation.

Sulfur-othiocyanate free radicals – When you see a supplement or medicine bottle that contains this compound it is important to know that this is a dangerous antioxidant that can cause arthritis and undetermine your immune system from fighting infections like the flu. Make sure that you are buying foods that do not have this compound in them.

Nuts -All nuts especially peanuts, walnuts and almonds, contain anti-inflammatory compounds like those listed above. Make sure that you areraining Kash differently than eating raw nuts because nuts heated to high temperatures contain carcinogens, which have been linked to many cancers.

Pecans – Pecans are among the best nut and seed oil sources of omega 3 fatty acids. With around 15 vitamins, minerals and anti-inflammatory compounds in them, pecans are among the best foods you can eat to control inflammation.

Walnuts – Walnuts are among the best nuts and seeds for omega 3 fatty acid ratio. They also provide a healthy amount of omega 6 as well as omega 3 fatty acids. When consumed in small amounts, walnuts can help with optimal vitamin E levels.

Cinnamon – Next time you are baking something, sprinkle a little cinnamon on the surface for extra health giving flavor. Adding cinnamon to your routine diet has many benefits including lowering cholesterol, slowing the progression of the hardening of the arteries and lowering blood pressure, according to Harvard Medical School.

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flood your kitchen with a variety of antioxidant-rich foods

Grow herbs and spices into new recipes

Add phytonutrients to your meals

researches suggests that cinnamon may lower blood sugar and cholesterol more effectively than one might expect from its taste alone.

Researchers at the Human Nutrition Research Center in California compared two diets: one that contained 60 grams of cinnamon a day and another that contained 15 grams. They concluded that the cinnamon-enriched diet had many health benefits, including better blood sugar control, diminished cravings, and reduced anxiety.

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