Sweet Tooth Or Sugar Addiction: What’s The Difference? (It Is More Than You Might Think!)

In being addicted to sugar, you don’t eat it only when you need something sweet. You eat it all the time. You crave it. You drink more coffee to get it. You crave it in the bleachers, on the playground, behind your back, behind your ears, sneakily in your mouth when you think people aren’t looking and even sneakily when you’re doing work. You cannot control yourself, your only escape is the treat.

Overcoming sugar addiction is a part of kicking an addiction. Like any other addiction, you need support. You need to heal your body and your mind. Youradder problems can be caused by malnutrition, not just by too much sugar in your diet. Stop the nausea, palpitations, exhaustion, and feeling of loved ones dying in your stomach. Your life is at risk. You may never recover. What used to happen to me once, may happen to you. Please do not visit this article if you are suffering from a thyroid disorder. If you are pregnant or nursing, please see your doctor before beginning any natural supplements.

strawberries in white ceramic bowl

When you are ready to stop the sugar addiction, you need to forgo all sugar, preferably organic and natural and you need to stick with the program. The best way to start is with a liquid vitamin. There are many organic and natural softgels. Look in your bathroom section in the health food store for them or go to the internet. Health stores should have them at least in the drugstore. They should also have organic, no sugar added, most juices, and grape juices with no added sugar. As a last resort, you can buy the small pre-made drinks. These will give you what you need until you are ready to add the real thing.

Here are some of the problems that will manifest when you have too much sugar in your diet. You may not think about these, but there are obvious signs:

You should cut down on sugar and you should start to use sweeteners in moderation. If you have a hypoglycemia, keep your intake low when you first begin to drink them. You will not have the hypoglycemic event unless you have normal insulin secretion. Keep your intake low before the event too. If you don’t need it, don’t use it.

When you get high, do you have the strength to say, it’s not the sugar, it’s the alcohol in the brain? It’s very convenient to just say that it’s hypoglycemia.

You should start to use stevia in commercial drinks. Stevia is a natural herb. It’s sweeter than sugar, but people who use it as a sweetener don’t have to worry about it being dangerous.

Milk is the perfect food, drinks, and medication.

Sugar creates hyperactivity. All kids love milk!

Sugar provides energy when you need it, but too much causes decreased energy.

Sugar puts stress on your liver.

Sugar can increase your appetite.

Sugar can cause cravings.

Sugar can cause your brain to go numb.

Sugar interferes with your serotonin levels.

Sugar has been known to cause headaches, including area bananas.

Sugar can cause blindness, in kids at least. blindness is called retinopathy.

Sugar can cause cancers, especially in kids.

Sugar can cause pimples, which are called acne.

Sugar interferes with your growth hormone and it also messes up your histamine system.

The sugar in an antacid makes you bloated.

The caffeine from a cup of coffee can bring on headaches.

Tea and coffee put you to sleep in the morning but sugar can bring you awake.

It is considered to be one of the primary causes of depression.

When you eat a lot of sugar, your body isJournaled in the liver. The liverJournal persists in the liver for 3 to 7 days. Caffeine and nicotine, do not concern the liver. Nor, alcohol does.

When a liver cells do not take in enough sugar, it hungers and sends signals to the brain for sugar. The brain, thinking it is starving, sends the message to the pancreas to create and release more insulin.

Insulin leads to high blood sugar, depression, and diabetes.

Omega 6 is the sunshine vitamin and it occurs with the two fats, omega 3 and omega 6. It is found in seeds, nuts, and legumes. Go for 3 to 5 times the amount of omega 6 to omega 3 in your diet.

Omega 3 also helps with depression.

Cholesterol clogs the arteries of the heart and the brain. So do trans fats. They increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.

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