How To Stay Fit And Manage Your Weight

When it comes to staying fit and managing your weight, a lot of people find themselves stumped. They try various diets and various exercise programs, but never quite get anywhere. In fact, a good number of these people actually gain weight instead of losing it. Getting down to basics and understanding a bit more about how we work, we can use this as the foundation to create a fitness goals that work for us.

The most important thing to remember is that everyone is different, and results will vary from one person to another. A certain type of exercise may work perfectly for you and may not work at all for someone else. A diet may have the desired effects on one person but will be worthless to another. So it is important to make sure to make an assessment of yourself as well as numerous other factors before you embark on any type of fitness program.

man and woman sitting on blue textile beside brown wicker picnic basket

Step 1

Take an assessment of yourself. First consider your weight. Is your weight causing you any problems?shape?or is it you feel ten years older? If you have tried dieting previously, is it the diet you tried? Or are you a typical yo-yo dieter that crash diets? Is this the time in your life you are most likely to start eating the way you used to? Then address the above questions and write your answer to the question. Write down any additional reasons and illues that you are thinking and you can refer to them in a while. This will help solidify a foundation of information for you.

Step 2

Once you have addressed these issues, consider your goal. Do you want to put on, lose or maintain your weight? Consider your life in general, then specifically where you would like to be in 6 months. 3 months, 6 months etc. It is important to be realistic, and to stay away from any unrealistic goals. If you set unrealistic goals you will fail, there is a high chance of you giving up. So work backwards from where you want to be. Write your goal down in your first diary, if you wish. This will help to give you a visual of what you are trying to achieve. If you are unable to achieve it right away, than work on it and try to do better the next week or even the next month.

Step 3

Now that you have taken an assessment of yourself and have worked out a realistic goal, it is time to consider how you are going to make your goal happen. If you don’t have time to go to the gym, how often do you exercise now? Do you want to increase you metabolism, reduce your chances of putting on weight and maintain your weight once you have lost it? or are you looking to lose weight and keep it off whilst you are doing the fad diets and worthless pills? Then work on that too.

Step 4

Time. Do you have time to spend an hour or two in the gym 3 or 4 times a week? If you lead a busy life, then you will have to make time. If you are hasteier with your life than you will need to fit in as much exercise as you can. It doesn’t have to take over your whole day. 20 minutes here, 20 minutes there can all be added exercise throughout the day. Park a bit further away in the car park, walk to the shops, take the stairs rather than the lift – little bits of extra exercise are all that you need.

As you can see it doesn’t have to take over your whole day, but rather, a small portion each day will add up to a big difference in your physical shape and lifestyle.

For more resources and information on fitness check out

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