Why Nutrition Is More Important Than Exercise In Losing Weight

A new study published in the Journal of American Medical Association, found that most women who rely strictly on exercise as a way to lose weight only achieved a paltry 7% decrease in their body weight, and only a paltry 3% drop in their body fat. When the study was over only a small handful of the women actually lost weight.

What the study actually showed was that the women who went on the rigorous exercise program that showed the least amount of weight loss, achieved the best results. This might be some evidence to support the long held notion that exercise is more important than nutrition in losing weight. However, it seems that just bewilderment about just what exercise is needed for, well, physical fitness. When all you have to do is read the information on nutrition labels it is enough to know that nutrition is more important than exercise when it comes to losing weight.

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All the studies and articles that have been published related to the relationship between nutrition and weight loss have always had this disclaimer * nutrition is more important than exercise*. When it comes right down to it, exercise is only half of the equation when it comes to losing weight. The nutrition intake is the other half. By combining the components of exercise and nutrition, you can maximize your weight loss efforts.

Exercise is the one element that is most talked about whenever there are discussions related to weight loss. When it comes to losing weight the first thing that people always overlook is exercise and how it directly affects the weight loss. By only working out every day or so you won’t make any significant progress in the weight loss game.

Nutrition is the other half. Nutrition is the part that you need to completely ignore when you are trying to lose weight. Balancing the nutrition intake is half of the game and getting the nutrition information that you need to know is easily available online. Sometimes you will need to get the right information from a nutritionist so that you have the right plan.

Nutrition is a complex subject because there are so many different points of view. Just as an example, you can look at the western or Japanese diet and find a number of elements that would be considered unhealthy. On the other hand, you can also look at parts of the African American diet and you will see a number of things that you would consider to be unhealthy. However, you have to exercise to keep the balance correct since no matter what other things you are doing it is nutrition that is going to keep you healthy.

So, why is nutrition important in losing weight? The answer to that question is that it is the other half of the equation. Nutrition is half the equation when it comes to losing weight because the food you eat is the fuel that is going to help you to burn fat and build muscle.

You can use pretty much any source when you are trying to lose weight. You can go to the local gym or you can spend some time online trying to gather more information. It really is up to you and you are the one that you are really going to have to watch most of the time. For example, if you are getting ready to do a lot ofheavy weight trainingright after working out or drinking a protein shakeheavy for an early workout, then you really should stop doing that and get back to your normal plan. What you should do is research foundational information on what works best when it comes to nutrition for weight loss. If you gather more information than you can use then you will not be able to use it later. You also have to remember that your body can’t just be made a machine. If you are putting stock in that machine you have to rebuild it or throw it out and start over.

That is what I would say about most information you can gather about nutrition and weight loss. We hear so much about it, but really we don’t know what works best.

At the end of the day what you really want to look for in an information group is truth. Not just something that sounds true, but actually true. You should not have toarbonamideizeyour stomach to lose weight. Find out what actually works. What is the recommendation? How do you actually have to eat? This is what you really need to find.

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