What Is Omega 3 And How Can It Help Me?

With all the research that is being done about the benefits of omega 3 and how it can help you, then inevitably some of you will ask “what is Omega 3”?

Omega 3 is a group of essential Polyunsaturated fatty acids, including Algae-3, Garcinone, Fish Oil, Tap Water, marine microalgae, marine diatoms and Chondroitin. They are considered “essential” because our bodies do not make them in our normal functioning and they must be supplied by the regular use of our diet or supplement source.

white cauliflower

Many of us have heard about Omega 3 fats. But the question is do we really need Omega 3? And if Omega 3 is so important why does our body’s not produce it? Well that is the question that has to be addressed in this article.

Omega 3 is important for normal every day functioning of our heart, brain, joints, and muscles. Our major organs are the ones that get the benefit of Omega 3. In our previous article we discussed what are Omega 3 Fatty Acids.

Omega 3 fatty acids are also commonly called “essential” fatty acids. While our bodies do create the EFA’s, they are not as readily available to our body as the ALA’s.

The most common example of EFA’s that one can access is in the form of EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and GLA (glycogenidaenoic acid).

All the above mentioned Omega 3 fatty acids are most stable and available for the body and are important to high energy levels of the body. All the sources we have mentioned above are also rich in many other nutrients.

From the numerous studies done that shows Omega 3’s help the body in many ways. The thing that must not be impressionsized is the way that Omega 3 fatty acids help in prevention of Diabetes and Cardiovascular diseases.

Most of the people who have heard about how good Omega 3 fatty acids are have heard about the positive effects of DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). DHA can be found in the greatest amount in the brain tissue and heart circulation.

People who have heard about how good Omega 3 fatty acids are have heard about how Blood pressure can be reduced. This is because DHA helps in the strengthening of the capillaries throughout the body, they are able to better supply the body with nutrients and oxygen. And also the thinning of the blood and lowered risk of heart problems is because of the replenishment of DHA in the body.

To CONNSSE that the best source for omega 3 fatty acids is salmon, tuna, and halibut is the best one. Salmon, tuna and halibut are rich in EPA fatty acids. They are also loaded with DHA fatty acid.

It is recommend that your regular diet includes a minimum of two servings of fish per week. This can take care of your omega 3 fatty acid deficiency problem. But if you like to eat a burger and fries or something more exotic, then you can compensate for the omega 3 fatty acids by adding a cup of flaxseed to your daily food intake.

Flaxseed is also a good source of ALA fat. While not as healthy as salmon or tuna, it still is considered a healthy oil. ALA is believed to have a lower risk of heart disease than other types of fat.

ALA can be found in cinnamon, oregano, turmeric, grape seed, mustard seed, capers, and cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts. So, adding a little spice to your meals is sure to spice up your benefitsof these oils.

If you’re worried about your intake of omega 6, which as it is a e mueto polyunsaturated fat, which is more unstable and susceptible to loss of heat than the omega 3, then you can choose sea salt.

You can use salt sparingly, however, since too much consumption can really raise your blood pressure. The recommended consumption is about two grams of salt per day.

Two grams per day is about 500 mg, which is more than a teaspoon. You should use unrefined salt, because commercial table salt has processed out most of the minerals due to the processing of the rock.

Furthermore, while we should concentrate on lowering our intake of these fatty oils, they should also be included in our diet. This includes the use of flaxseed oil because it is believed to be the best source of omega 3 fatty acids available.

A couple more benefits to adding omega 3 to your diet is shown to support healthy breast milk flow.

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