Vegetarian Nutrition AndGermination, Part 2

So, what’s the problem? Scientists have told us for years that at least 90% of all diseases can be prevented by eating a vegetarian diet, so why haven’t we made it a part of our program? Maybe it’s because there is more to the big picture than meets the eye.

You see, large and powerful corporations want to keep their profits high and their stock prices high.Obviously. But their bottom line is survival, not profit. bottom line. So, if you don’t eat meat, they don’t eat you. If you don’t eat meat, they don’t buy you. If you don’t eat meat…well, you see the problem.

sliced lemon on white surface

These same corporations also have the influence to encourage teenagers, the youth, to smoke, drink and use drugs. If you are a regular reader of my newsletter know it is not my desire to encourage teenagers to experiment with these vices, but rather to expose them to a healthier path. But the bottom line is that as a nation we have headed down that dark path.

As a teenager you are very young, in terms of body growth and development, which means that you have limited nutritional requirements to begin with. You need a daily orange of good calories to keep your body alive and well and at the same time supply your mind with the nutrients it needs to function and develop.

You need a daily balanced meal, within your guidelines, of good nutritious foods. But more than that you need to pay attention to what you eat.

I talk about “good foods” because that way I can talk about “bad foods” too. Just as in the first article I covered “bad foods” and the benefits of avoiding them. Foods I mentioned that you should avoid include full cream milk, white bread, butter and many cheeses, candies, sugary cereals, deep fried foods, soda, sweets, chips, crackers and anything else that is not good for your body.

Now, the foods that you should eat I mentioned above. These are your “good foods” to eat daily if you want to gain good health and a good body.

1. Oats/oatmeal- this is not your typical breakfast food but rather this is a highly nutritious, vitamin-packed grain which is also very filling. It lacks some of the fat found in meat, but includes a lot of the nutrients of which I will list. This low fat grain is very filling, therefore only consumes aboutrito per cup. This meal is highly loaded with fiber, vitamin B, folic acid, zinc and copper.2. Quinoa- this grain is unique because it contains all the eight essential amino acids which are not present in animal proteins. It is loaded with quality protein and loaded with fiber. It is also one of the least expensive foods to buy.3. Cantaloupe- this delicious juicy melon is loaded with vitamin C, bioflavanoids and fiber.4. Broccoli- the cabbage family is again one of the “most complete” foods on this planet. It is very high in vitamin A, C and K, bioflavanoids and fiber.5. Blueberries- one of the most amazing and beneficial fruits that one can eat. It is extremely high in vitamin C, anti-oxidants and fiber. This juicy little fruit also contains manganese, which is good for anti-aging and blood sugar regulation.

6. Soy- this low-fat protein source is also very popular for its cholesterol lowering effects, and its anti-viral and anti-cancer effects. Many women believe it is useful for combating PMS and the symptoms of menopause, but there are no scientific studies that are backing up whether or not this benefit is caused by soy.7. Raspberries-like cranberries, this berry is high in vitamin C, manganese and fiber. Researchers have found that women who drink raspberry juice have higher bone mineral density than women who don’t, which could lead to stronger bones.8.Spinach- this super vegetable is high in vitamin A, C, and K, as well as magnesium and folate. Eating spinach may help reduce heart disease, strokes, and cancer.9. Beans- high in fiber, andnia-health benefits include reducing the risk of colorectal and breast cancers in men, as well as reducing blood cholesterol levels.10. Watermelon- the best way to describe the nutrition in watermelon is to say it is the seedless half of the watermelon, because that is where all the good stuff is. It’s the fiber and other nutrients in the seed that give you the extra energy you need throughout the day.

chocolate coated doughnut on white ceramic plate