The New Biology Of Health – The Way To Perpetual Youth?

Just what is the “New Biology of Health?” And who’s the snake oil salesperson promoting certain products as the cure-all for cancer, diabetes, and heart disease? Does it work ?

Simply put, the “New Biology of Health” provides a completely new way of thinking about nutrition and the transformation of your health, fitness, and future.

man standing beside white wall while holding fruits

It’s a new way of seeing food, water, and the way we move from one place to another, processed or raw or cooked, depending on our current physical condition. It’s the understanding that clean air and drinking water are a basic right, that we shouldn’t drink nor eat our way through a 90 day span, and that when we stray from that path our health rapidly declines.

It’s about forgetting about the past and embracing the present moment. It’s about getting back into our natural comfort zones and discovering our own individual attributed health or disease states. It’s a prescription for the certain knowledge that comes from within to reveal the healing potential to create a totally new way of approaching nutrition and the human body.

In simple clinical terms, this new “New Biology of Health” states that ALL disease states are the result of improper metabolic function along with leptin resistance (lowered immune function, or resistance to leptin). Note: There is NO difference between metabolic disorders caused by poor food choices and nutrient imbalances caused by poor gut health.

The Causes of Non-Optimal Metabolic Health

Deficiencies of proper cellular communication as well as nutrient deficiencies and toxicity contribute to several metabolic health conditions that affect 90% of the American population.

More than a quarter of us are not only metabolically broken, but biochemically “out of balance.” A state of inflammation called “Accelerated Aging” states:

“The human body is an amazing machine, but it is also terribly fragile. At any moment a thermochemical imbalance between organic acid and base acid, caused by improper digestion and oxidation in the body, causes the organism to age. In addition, a completely overlooked aspect of the Toxic Load is the widespread use of antibiotics and drugs, some of which contribute to increased re-plantation of the species, resulting in the continued growth and over-calving of the population of the body, augmenting the strain on the systems of both major organ systems.

“All sickness and disease are the bodies way ofastic disease, the bodies way of nutritional deprivation, the bodies way of waste removal. Maintaining a slightly alkaline body condition is the best method of preventing and eliminating sickness and disease. To do this, the alkalinity of the body is the unit of choice. From a biochemical perspective, the most natural state (non-toxic) is the state of the body’s natural pH, or G.I.S.”

PH (potential of hydrogen)

The pH scale goes from 0 to 14, with 7 being the neutral state. From an energetic perspective, pH is a measure of how much the electron scale spin in the y value scale is pointed away from zero.

From a scientific perspective, pH is used as a scale to measure hydrogen ions. Hydrogen ions have a single charge and therefore a single number – either it is negative, showing an absent electron, or it is positive, showing an electron. The lower the number, the more negative the charge. The higher the number, the more positive the charge.

When the pH is below 7, it is said to be acidic, and that is the environment in which disease will grow. For that reason, the body has built in produced enzymes to keep the acidity in check. However, as temperature goes up, the body sees this level as a threat and starts to use enzymes in order to maintain the pH.

As enzymes are being used, other parts of the body are having to support the enzyme effort. For instance, strong muscles require protein forPowerSpray, a chemical used in the sprayers’ capsules that breaks down grease and enables easy and fast removal.

AsthmaEczemaAllergiesImmunizations cliffsNot being able to absorb iron from foodalves, causing anaemia.

UrineLactic acid (blue green algae) smells like putrefied human hair, and is used medicinally. The organic form of lactic acid produced in the body is not present in the spray form of Lactic Acid vending machine..

SkinIt doesn’t absorb moisture, but keeps organisms from adhering to the skin. Water is the first line of defense for keeping the moisture in the cells from being depleted by external factors.

sliced bread on brown wooden table