The Most Popular Foods You Can’t Stand – And What Is Good For Them?

three salad dishes beside clear drinking glass cup

People are strange. On the face of it, you could argue that some people are very healthy and do not have any problems whatever. Then you look at other people and you are amazed to see their strange choices. Nutritionists say that we should try to avoid 7 out of 10 foods, as they are suspected to cause inflammation and areiddling for our good health.

We are told that the main ingredient of potatoes is a carbohydrate, but what most people do not know is that it is a complex carbohydrate. Distilled potatoes and most flours are complex carbohydrates, but they still taste so good. Pies and cookies are definite carbohydrates, but you can get away with mashing, as long as you know what you are eating. If you are going to go on using refined carbohydrates, you should by now have a good idea of what you are avoiding, and not just what you like to eat.

Have a think about this: the potato and the cookie both contain Vitamin C and are delectable, so you don’t have to exclude them from your diet. You may not know this, but Vitamin C is an essential component of your immune system.  All the blood has to be drained, and the body has to extract its own circulatory waste.  Potatoes don’t really help with this, but you shouldn’t worry about blood pressure or circulatory problems if you eat them.

Another group of foods that are off limits are the fatty meats.  Fish isn’t really a recommended choice, and neither is pork or ham.  Then there’s chicken and the egg.  Yep, there’s that egg white, and that’s about all the protein a human body needs.  The only protein the body needs is white meat, and that’s why the egg yolk is also off limits.  Fat makes the blood thicker, and the cholesterol grows stronger.  It’s why people who are on low-carb diets have lower cholesterol.  Another reason is that the fat-free variety of the egg (albuminoids) has a higher egg white protein content than the whole-fat version.

Then, there’s the vegetable steals.  Everyone thinks salad is a healthy treat, but if you check the nutritional value of restaurant salads, you’ll soon understand.  For one thing, most salads have too much salt and other unhealthy ingredients.  Addatzoe sauce has nearly as much salt as regular tomatoes, and egg whites are richer than their protein counterparts.  The sweet pickles and onions are practically sinful, and the cheeses are hard to resist.  Poor salad planning is one of the reasons the Diabetes Association has provided us with these guidelines (

The composition of canned soups is another culprit.  The soups are often made with things like corn, peas, tomatoes and beans–all of which are often arsenal of disease-causing toxins.  If you are taking a medication to regulate blood sugar, it may be better to avoid soups and drinks with these added ingredients.  Salt, sugar or other additives may be well-poisoning.

Canned or dried goods are convenient, relatively inexpensive and available in convenient Pack-it- registers.  The trouble is that they are often loaded with additives and preservatives, which further complicate the nutritional value of foods.  The best way to avoid nutritional bankruptcy is to buy fresh, whole foods.  That way, you can know the nutritional value of the food, and you can track its progress toward formulate a healthy diet plan.

So, think about what you have to eat.  The evening meal is often the one time each day when you are both sure and certain of the nourishment you are getting.  On the other hand, the grocery budget for these items can be mighty daunting.  Cut out the cereals and other dried goods from your pantry.  Substitute them with allergy-free grains and beans.  Find your Fiber Foods.  Not all foods are created equal.  Some contain fiber more readily than others.  Check the label.

Diuretic and laxative medications are not the healthiest ways to maintain a healthy diet.  Generally, they are used treat chronic conditions such as dehydration, nausea, or anemia.  A diuretic will cause frequent urination and water retention.  The best way to regulate your body is to develop a healthy diet, and Magic Bullet® therapy is an excellent option for identifying and calming the issues underlying your health.

pasta with sauce on plate