Nutrition – 5 Reasons Why The Foods You Are Eating Are Making You Sick

Eating the right foods in the right combination once again is one of the most important things that you can do in your nutrition plan. Because many of today’s foods are nutritionally lacking in at least one area, you should work hard to add in what your body needs to keep you healthy.

We will look at five of the most common types of nutrition that you should either be avoiding or at the very least eating more of.

brown and green mushroom on black textile

Yeast- Bread, cereals, pasta, and other baked goods. You will need to work hard to keep yourself yeast free as it is hard to do with other foods that also contain it, like certain fruits and vegetables.

Fiber- cereals, grains, vegetables, and fruits are a great way of adding fiber to your diet, but just like yeast, it is hard to avoid. You will need to work hard to add in what you need to stay healthy.

Sugar- most of the sweets you eat should be combined with fiber or else they will just turn into empty calories that are bad for you. You will also constantly be getting headaches and feeling fatigued from not eating right, so it is highly recommended that you may want to switch to a fruit that has a lot of fiber in it, like raspberries.

You can also try taking in prebiotics in conjunction with probiotics, and these have been shown to help with irritable bowel syndrome as well as help produce cancer in the colon.

Onions- Alliums are hard to avoid in foods like red meat, scallions, and onions. They contain anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties that are great for the stomach and the immune system.

Soy- You will probably never get a recommended daily allowance of soy products into your diet, but if you are including soy in your diet as a part of one of your meals or as a supplement, it should not be more than a few servings. Look for edamame, soy burgers, and soy milk.

Coffee- Nelson has been the leading advocate for coffee as an anti-cancer agent. Coffee has had the most research done on it and the best results, that is good of course, are those that are brewed with non-GMO. I’m sure that this isn’t always possible for everybody, but it is worth constantly looking for better options.

Green Tea- This one should be getting a lot of my attention. I was never one for the green stuff in the morning, but I started drinking green tea because of the high catechin levels. These powerful compounds are especially good at fighting off cancer, and they have been found to help the blood reduce clogging of the arteries.

What you may end up doing is drinking green tea all day long, which isn’t always convenient. Having a cold liquid tea can help you drink less coffee. If you do want a hot beverage, why not enjoy a nice soup? You can also have a nice glass of iced green tea in the afternoon for a boost.

Supplements- It’s no secret that eating a lot is good for you, but eating the right foods at the right times can also be beneficial to your health. I often suggest to clients that they supplement a couple of times per week using a whole food multi. This multi-vitamin can give you a nice mix of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other phytonutrients (plant based nutrients) that all work in harmony together to provide greater health.

There are many different supplements that make up a holistic approach to overall health and wellness, but there are a few that I think are extremely important. Since there is so much information out there on what is good for you and what isn’t, I don’t think it’s going to be smart to go with the latest and greatest “miracle pill” of the week. The best approach to taking supplements is to find a diet and lifestyle that makes sense to you and your family. For everyone, the best place to start is with the basics of nutrition, eating right, and taking a daily vitamin. In this way, you are going to be able to answer the question “What is normal?”

I have seen thousands of clients in my practice work with me to create lifestyle changes for cancer patients and their families. I specialize in nutrition, whole body nutrition, and natural protocols. In most cases, I recommend the client to make a few changes to their current eating and lifestyle habits, and then suggest one or more of the changes they would like to make. I help them to understand the importance of each of the components of a healthy lifestyle, and I help them to live within their means, within their Budgettypes.
