Inclusive Of All Essential B Vitamins – Why You Should Take Vitamin B Complex Daily

The body needs 13 vitamins for a balanced nutrition and a healthy life. The common signs of vitamin deficiency are beriberi, pellagra, muscular weakness, heart disease, narrow palpitations, delerium, etc. A vitamin rich diet is known to increase the resistance against sickness and infection and boost the immune system.

surround the digestion system with healthy intestinal flora;

white ice cream with yellow and black sprinkles

The digestive tract should be kept soft and not rigid;

The absorption of nutrients in the intestine should be optimal;

Foods should be chewed well,

The joints of the body should be well oiled,

The nails should be healthy and supple,

The breath should be sweet and odorless,

The body mass should be maintained in the appropriate proportion,

The person should have sufficient amount of energy,

Ioxidation in the body should be minimized and

The waste products should be kept to a minimum.

The 13 essential vitamins are Arginine, Choline, Vitamin A, B1 (Thiamine), B2 (Riboflavin), B3 (Niacin), B5 (Tocopherol), B6 (Pyridoxine), B12 (Cobalamine), Folic Acid, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, and Vitamin B complex.

Arginine helps in tissue relaxation, muscular activity, and proper brain function. The cardiac muscle cells are especially affected by the Arginine. Arginine creates a rise in blood pressure when it reaches high levels.

A deficiency of Arginine results in premature opening of passageways in muscle tissue, particularly the walls of the vessels.

Part of the body particularly affected by the low quantity of Arginine is the heart muscle. The heart muscle is responsible for controlling nutssysteriesand therefore high Arginine levels can lead to sentry dysfunction in the heart muscle. Hence, a trial of Arginine supplements may be advisable to underallow the heart muscle to function with reduced annoyance.

Arginine supplementation is contraindicated in peptic ulcer patients.

Our body uses up a lot of Arginine to make acid in the stomach. The low stomach acid secretion is blamed for the ulcer.

The daily maintenance of acidity in the stomach is very difficult. Hence, Arginine supplementation is contraindicated in peptic ulcer patients.

Include the Arginine in your diet in the form of Arginine powder. It is a small quantity but it is very beneficial.

Use the Arginine powder before sunbathing. Due to their activities, the eyes are usually red and irritated and the skin is dry. The Arginine comes in the form of powder and its functioning is to make the skin moisture and to make the eyes function well. Hence, the Arginine helps people get a beautiful skin.

Benefits of the Arginine Powder

Arginine creates a Permeability inluid solution that helps flow out cancer- causing chemicals. The solution is 10 times more than animal liver and 25 times more than human liver, which is twice the speed of other proteins. The Arginine helps in fibrinolysis, which is the breakage of fibrin which is a type of protein. The fibroblast elongates and gets compact in the organs and muscles, which causes arthritis and bursitis. The Arginine powder supports the outer and bottom part of the stool and relaxes it. This stool softens the stool further and causes it to pass out smoothly from the colon to the rectum.

Arginine creates ligands on various sites in the body. The Arginine helps in tissue repair at the wound sites during the healing process. Arginine powder is 15 times more effective than Alladosaline (aspartame) and 10 times more effective than N-acetyl-D-glucosamine (acetyl-D-Glucosamine) at relieving ammonia. The ammonia is a toxic by-product of aspartame and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine helps in dissolving the ammonia in the blood stream and avoids abdominal discomfort.

The Arginine helps in muscle recovery. A sudden loss of muscle due to injury or illness can cause severe water loss. The Arginine helps to maintain the muscle mass of the body. In a state like proteolytic (protein break down) enables the body to swell easily. After the surgery or illness, the body tends to lose some amount of fluids. Taking Arginine powder will help in this situation.

Arginine can be taken in many forms such as in the form of Arginine powder or Arginine oil.

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