How To Make The Family Look Good

Treat yourself as the loving member of the family or as a friend

recognition of self is an inner child’s journey. Once he or she realizes what, how and why there is a change in the body-mind connection, the quest to a healthy weight is an important part of the healing process. Becoming a member of the family (in spirit as well as in physique) helps the individual to feel at peace and take joy in that special membership of they family which makes their day much more enjoyable. Recognizing the important role models are an important part in making the family look good and feel good as warm family members. The main purpose of celebrating is getting together with family members and enjoying time spent together, sharing and enjoying some of the best times we have spent with friends.

green and purple vegetable in clear glass jar

Be an Actionful ChildBe aware of your thoughts and feelings when you are playing. Just as an infant, you are in a loving position to be included in the plans of others. Simple looks can make you feel good too. Put yourself first in your thoughts with a positive affirmation that is specific to you and remember to think nice and loving thoughts and words. You can feel and express your needs to others. Tell the truth about what you expect from others and allow your family and friends to deserve those words. They are a child of God and he knows that the little child within inside is still loving and trusting. It is he who will lead you into temptation and every decision is his to make.

Love others as you love yourself. Bring your children closer to you as you have with others. They are your greatest investment. God made you to be unique in your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being and He made you the most precious of stones. Do something of value to yourself for each and every day. Make this your greatest day. The fragrance of a rose may entice a man to run and run to smell the fresh cut grass and snap a twig to have the fragrance. Spend your time in ways that bring you joy and fulfill your desires — even when you are alone bring joy to others. Meditate and attend seminars to bring out the love and the joys of God to others. Have a love-filled relationship with others.

Be a reflection of your own loving actions or others. Show that you are truly your ideal weight. If you are at your ideal weight walk with confidence and a smile that will give you the confidence you need in your own self.

We are not given gifts so bestow gifts upon others. simplest and most effective giving is to help others give the best. It is a known accepted fact that you will often get what you give. The same can be said about giving the best. Reach out to others and give them that which they deserve. You can have the best, those you give are often more than those which you receive.

KULTI-ETTHO-DOOD – THOUGHTThru Human nature is as follows, have a desire, get ideas to make that desire a reality. Take action, plan your daily routine and give time for the planning to happen. Plan weight loss programs and schedule exercise. mother nature is all powerful and loving and she knows exactly what the human body needs. Listen to her and you will be on your way to implement the best program for you.

The above references are only a few of many the possibilities to achieving weight loss and being healthy. There are others and the time to join them is NOW!

“I know in my heart that I can do it.”

strawberries in clear plastic container