How The Caveman Diet Can Cure A Gurgling Stomach

Why We Get A Gurgling Stomach

We have all been there. Whole days of eating nothing but your diarrhea and constipation and you know you are doing great things for your body but still have no relief. relief never comes. Your body is alone in this gurgling stomach game and needs your will and determination.

brown nuts on green plastic container

The Caveman Diet cures gurgling stomach by removing the cause. No more processed carbohydrates. You can eat apples, steak, vegetables, and calories. Your body will thank you.

How The Caveman Diet cures gurgling stomach is very easy. Your diet is built around foods that can be assumed to be natural. If it was not a natural food it is not worth eating. Put the potato back in the ground it is not worth eating.

Your body is a natural machine and has been designed to eat natural foods. Things that come from nature. Once you remove the foods that are not natural to your body you will start to gurgle.

Eating like a caveman should eat like a caveman. Cavemen did not make laws; they only followed what was available. Today we have processed foods and restaurant foods. They did not have doctors and medicines to sell. They only made primitive decisions about what to eat depending on what was available.

You may be thinking, “Well I am not a caveman so I don’t need to eat like a caveman do I?” Just try it for a few weeks. Make the decision to eat like a caveman and see if you notice the difference. Make the decisions you are stranded and choose the very foods that would have saved you from dehydration and sold you on a bottle of alcohol. Make a decision to walk 20 minutes to a store that sells natural goods.

Eating like a caveman should feel more fun than it does. There are so many emotions associated with food. Before you eat you want to feel comfortable.arm yourself, relax, be alone.When you eat you want to feel good, be included, and be in control.

If you can determine the quality of the food you will accept it.What do I mean? If your stomach is growling and you decided it was noon you are past the point of no return. Eat with presence.

Be aware of your body’s reaction to the food. Notice how it feels as you chew. Notice how it feels a half hour later when you are done.

If you are eating a high carbohydrate food (potatoes, rice or bread) and your stomach squirmed and you became violently ill you didn’t finish the meal.

Be sensitive to the signs your body is telling you it is no where near time to eat.

If you are sitting at your desk you are probably not hungry.

Make a decision to eat.

Don’t pre-plan your meals. By doing that you are more likely to stray. We of course then make rational decisions as to what to eat, but we usually don’t take the time we need to truly consider what we are eating.

You want to enjoy your meal.

Sometimes it happens that when you are not hungry you find yourself hungry. This is not a time to go grab a candy bar and then eat it. This is not the correct response to have you fit into your calorie goal. So either avoid it or convince yourself it is for something else.

Be gentle with yourself.

There are going to be those moments when you are very hungry and the right behavior is not immediately obvious. Be gentle with yourself. Rest your stomach. Eat with presence. Then you will be most likely to stop eating before you go over your calorie goal.

To maintain a healthy weight you need to eat enough to meet the body’s energy needs, but not too much.

Commit to eating the proper foods you need each day, that is high fiber complex carbohydrates, foods with protein and fats, foods with fruits and vegetables, foods with whole grains. Limit your intake of sweets, salt, fats and drug, fat-laden products.

If you have a drink or coffee it only counts as one portion from the food group.

You get out what you put in.

Start using some of these changes you have made in your habits and your life will reap the benefits. You have the power to change your life for the better. Use what you learn to make changes to your habits and your life will thank you.

Eating smaller portions or eating while working out is better for your body

Drinking water is best

Soluble fiber tastes good

Progress is one of life’s things to do.

burger and fries on white ceramic plate