Hemp: The Most Healthy Base On Earth

Hemp is more than food for us. Our very future existence may depend on the nutritious quality of this world-wide plant, which is abundant in the field of Tissue Synthesis, and in silico-chemicals, as well as remaining as a major industrial component.

To begin, the simple, natural fact of the existence of a massive plant like hemp is the main reason why its future outlook is looking bright. This plant is simply and fundamentally different from any other known plant on Earth. By furthermore considering its relatedness to most other known plants of its kind, along with the almost identical outcomes of their respective societies’ diets, one can easily see how hemp may serve as a possible model.

red apple fruit on red textile

No other organism is known to have this many natural products, each of which plays a distinctive part in keeping the human organism alive. No other organisms on our planet has even come close to containing such a comprehensive range of varied, natural plant life. Our bodies, therefore, have many options available in terms of nutritious support. Unhealthy or insufficient diets, external influences, pollution, and emotional wellbeing can all institute stress upon our organism, leading to damage, if not directly, at least through our endorsement. Suffice it to say that as a species, we are simply not designed for.

Hemp is many times richer than any other plant-life on our planet. Just imagine what it would be like to feed yourself with hemp chaff everyday. Research! I know many things about the harsh reality of a truly vegan lifestyle, but that doesn’t seem to be the most Beneficial part of our existence, does it? It would require not just consuming hemp, but growing it with every meal. If that’s not Beneficial, what is?

Of course, you can’t eat hemp! At least, not as many meals everyday, and that’s a given. Luckily, though, this is not the case with hemp seeds as their protein building support makes it easy to consume 3-4 times more protein than you would be getting by consuming a regular non-hemp seed! That’s right-the seed is more nutritious than the meat it was picked from. And you know what else? Hemp seeds taste great! They have a nutty crunchy quality to them, and the addition of friendly bacteria makes for a pickle that’s as sweet as it is healthy.

You’ve heard the saying before, “better to eat a whole cucumber than a thousand grapes”? Quite simply, because they are packed with vitamins, minerals, and nutrients, and have virtually no calories, but yet have a very specific taste, you will find that you’ll want to eat the whole thing. That’s because this combination of qualities is a power house of nutrients. Hemp seeds are a rich source of your vitamins A, B, D, and E, as well as contribute a lot of magnesium, copper, phosphorous, magnesium, and more. Would you have believed even that this amazing food can be considered a mineral food. Without minerals in our soil, tree roots cannot bring forth nutrients our bodies need, and our bodies will be diseased.

What also makes this food so special? It’s protein source, protein build up, potassium, fiber, magnesium, iron, selenium, and zinc. This is so many nutrients, but just bold words on the last two. Have you ever heard of an event that combines so many great nutrients? It is amazing! Recently, a friend of mine heard me say that hemp seeds have the most balanced ecosystem of fatty acids. Well, I have to agree. The omega 3’s found in hemp seeds, help balance your body out, strengthen joints, muscles, bones, and heart. Then, they also have a very good source of zinc, which has been proven to increase your immune system. I’ve heard many professional athletes recommend eating hemp seeds because they strengthen the immune system, which allows you to be healthier and perform at higher levels.

Eat hemp seeds for nutrients. There are other places to find them, but I prefer to grow my own. If you decide to it, start with a small handful and as you breathe more oxygen into your body, you’ll find yourself wanting to breathe more oxygen. There are dozens of recipes you can use on your own. Legumes are a complex subject, and you should seek advice from a health professional before transforming yourself into one.

sliced strawberries on cutting board