Green Goji Berries – Essential To Our Health

macro shot of vegetable lot

Goji berries are one of the hottest discoveries of the health increasing the popularity and demand for this wonderful fruit. They are a very precious gift of nature that goodness of nature does not make them expensive. The worth of a goji berry is determined by the number of properties it has. A goji berry that has 10 or more properties is considered as the best goji. The properties of a goji berry are:

• These fruits have superoxide sweet milky essential amino acids;• These fruits have more vitamin C;• These fruits are rich of polysaccharides (complex carbohydrates, whole fruits contains more that can be divided into insoluble and soluble fiber);• These fruits are rich of fatty acids (three types of fat acids including isoflavone, linoleic acid, and palmitic acid)• These fruits are also higher in minerals (especially chromium, zinc, calcium, iron);


To determine the optimum dosage of Goji, one should be aware of the need for a healthy diet, to complete the process of keeping fit and healthy. According to a study in 2006, the ideal dose of Goji berry is around 150-200 mg of dry goji berry powder added to an ordinary glass of water or a cup of ordinary cow’s milk. It is suggested to drink the dry goji berries freshly after extraction and consume it before going to bed for a night. This ensures the availability of the active compounds to the body while the liver is busy in metabolizing the food compounds; this helps the body to get the required nutrition for the performance of its activities.

The dry goji berries can be consumed in different forms. Daily food of these berries is equivalent to two-three tablespoons of these fruits. They can be eaten as snacks or can be added to a salad, dosa, or dessert. They can even be dried and used in cooking but fresh ones are the best quality.

Intestinal discomforts:

Those who are allergic to the stilbenoid compounds found in this fruit should be careful before consuming this fruit. Some consumers find the Stilbenoids in goji berries cause allergic reactions like feeling moderate to severe stomach pain, diarrhea, anemia, and even low blood pressure; consuming even a small quantity of the fruit should be done with caution.


Who would want to suffer from kidney stone? You might as well, when you first learn about the existence of these stones, you couldn’t imagine that these exist. However, these stones are not harmful; it is not even a stone in the sense of formation. These stones are not even formed by the digestion of foods, but by the synthesis of uric acid like substance found in the kidney stones. When these stones cause formation, it is not obvious. Thus, in some cases it is possible to cure the stone by just giving some alkali. However, for other people, giving up the stone is not an option, and thus they resort to painful and dangerous medications.

The bad side of cholesterol:

Most of the cholesterol in the body is manufactured by the liver. On the day you have your cholesterol level checked by your doctor, you will know if you have higher or lower than normal. According to medical science, the cholesterol level is directly connected with the level of insulin in your blood. Insulin controls the level of blood sugar and hence also the cholesterol. High cholesterol levels mean that there is percentage of bad cholesterol in the blood. Lowering the cholesterol means high risk of stroke and heart attack. All it takes is a small change in the way you eat and you should find your way to a normal cholesterol level.

Glycemic index:

We all know that what is felt by our taste buds is the faintest possible picture of how the foods that we eat are converted into heat or fuel by our body. It is also important to know that how food is converted into fuel also changes depending on the foods that you eat. Eating foods like white rice and white bread causes our body to produce high amount of cholesterol because these are mostly used as fuel or are stored as fat. Eating low-fat foods like brown rice and white bread causes our body to produce low amount of cholesterol because most of its fuel comes from fats. Similarly, white sugar and white flour are agents in increasing the cholesterol level of our body. The institute of Medicine recommends a diet that has more than 30 grams of fiber content each day. Fiber plays an active role in preventing cholesterol absorption in our body.

Red foods- suppose you get addicted to drinking alcoholic drinks. All alcoholic drinks are high in cholesterol content. The same applies to eating red meats and dairy products. You can substitute these with fruits and vegetables that have low cholesterol content.

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