Eat Naturally Sweet Recipes Your Entire Family Will Love

Even the busiest parents can significantly reduce the amount of refined sugar their child eats, and still let their child enjoy treats. I have three young children and they love treats and snacks, but I don’t feel good about pumping them full of refined sugar. As a grown adult I can choose to educate myself about health and nutrition. I can learn to make foods that taste delicious and will nourish my body. But kids eat what they are provided. Unfortunately, we are the one’s guilty of allowing them to eat excessive sugar.

It might surprise you that the average American consumes 2-3 pounds of sugar each week! This is partially because we consume more than we realize. We expect it to be in soda pop, candy, desserts, and sugary cereals. But it is disappointing and upsetting to find out how much is being added into baby food, food targeted to young children, and food marketed as “healthy.” Processed sugars are found in almost everything that comes from a box, bottle, bag, jar, or can. Some of the biggest culprits are: yogurt, mayonnaise, peanut butter, ketchup, spaghetti sauce, and many frozen dinners. The terms change to throw us off, but some of the most popular highly refined sugars will be listed as sucrose (table sugar), dextrose (corn sugar), and high-fructose corn syrup. This is so concerning because of the many health conditions that are correlated with sugar.

ice cream in white cup

We need to educate ourselves so we understand just how much refined sugar our children (and ourselves) are consuming. We need to provide alternatives that we know are loaded with health and nutrients. Children are going to want sweets, so you will see plenty of options for the sweets market. Keep in mind that a quality,healthy dessert is usually loaded with health ingredients, so you don’t have to meet theirugal desires. While you may be able to tell them that their favorite treat is good for them, they will still need to have a good idea of what isunsugar.

We are all familiar with the benefits of hot wings sauce, and we love them for the zing that they have. However, you probably don’t know what pepper seasoning is capable of doing to your body. Pepper seasoning contains areas of capsaicin, which your body uses to cause the zing. Capsaicin is found in hot sauces in order toode certain foods. However, consider popcorn seasoning, which contains both heat and healthy nutrients.inea corn powder, maltodextrin, and even quinoa flour may also be found in many of your favorite popcorn flavors.

Another favorite ingredient in popcorn is butter. This is both a healthy ingredient and a delicious snack. It not only adds moisture to your popcorn, but can also improve the texture. It contains lecithin, which is a rich source of antioxidants. In addition, bran flakes can add a healthy element to your diet. The zesty taste of white cheddar popcorn and the salty taste of butter is enough to continuously make your mouth water.

Your craving for salty and sweet snacks may be a symptom of adrenal exhaustion especially in people who live a very fast-paced life. Those who drive long distances to and from work set up their sophisticated systems to supply themselves with prepackaged salt and sweet snacks. In addition to driving through a bakery, these people also make a point to stop at fast food restaurants for the treats and fast food products that they do not need. For these people, it is better to have the food they need at home than to opt for the not-so-healthy option of fast food.

If you are among the people who do not get a good night’s sleep and find yourself right before bedtime, your metabolism will decrease and your dreams will likely become reality. Although you still need to make sure that you are eating the right food to maintain your physique, you also need to make sure that you are not using excessive amounts of caffeine.

Caffeine is by far one of the most popular drugs. And many people will drink a lot of coffee or tea in order to get their morning fix. Although coffee and tea contain many health benefits, excessive caffeine use will harm your body. The limit should be no more than two cups of coffee or tea a day.

In addition to your caffeine intake, it is also important to get other important vitamins and important minerals in your diet. You may need to make sure that you get enough folic acid, especially if you are pregnant, because it can help protect against birth defects. It also helps prepare DNA and may help reduce the risk of heart disease. Whatever your diet, you should always make sure that you are getting the vitamins and other important minerals that you need to remain healthy.

Perhaps the most important vitamin is Vitamin C.

assorted flavor of doughnuts on white box