Helena Eater Archive

Eat The Foods – Not Diet Pills!

Food, your brain, your way of life – how does it work? Take a look at the latest research on the MUCH under-appreciated topic of ‘why you need to eat your grains’, the one thing that Multi-Grain and Citrus oils cannot, the one thing ...Read More

Cravings And What They Mean (Part 1)

This is going to be my first article on the “CRAZY AND impractical” side of cravings. As you read my previous articles, you’ll see that I have a specific and definitive answer to the question of what to do about your cravings. But first… ...Read More

Strawberries – A Short History

StrawberryWaning sun Strawberries seem like pretty ordinary fruit. You may not even give them a second thought, unless you have a fancy red hood to impress your friends. But these bright red fruits have been around for centuries, and they are a native of ...Read More

Stomach Acid Reflux And Good Nutrition

Anyone who is over 40 years old has probably never heard of silymarin. Yet, perhaps, if you have been dealing with acid reflux for any length of time, you know someone who knows of this nutrient. Silymarin is a non-caloric compound which naturally occurs ...Read More

How To Get A Balanced Weight Loss

I have heard so many so called experts tell me that weight loss or getting rid of weight is pointless since the body will just store it anyway. It’s rubbish, of course 2 pounds are going to store around your central core in the ...Read More

The Infiltration Of Sugar Erotonomy

Erotsivization is a term used in the food industry to describe the adding of organic materials to food products in order to improve the nutritional value of the product. Generally it includes vitamins, minerals, vitamins and minerals oils, Conjugated linoleic acid or CLA, polyphenols, ...Read More

History Of Italian Cuisine

Most people will recognize pasta and pizza – two of the most popular dishes that form part of the Italian cuisine. However, Italian cuisine has a lot more to offer than just these two well known dishes. Most importantly, Italian cuisine also includes a ...Read More

Foods That You Can’t Resist

For some reason, foods which are forbidden to eat for religious reasons make coming across forbidden foods all the more interesting. I remember growing up in a religiously blended family where my sisters and I were expected to eat only foods which were kosher. ...Read More

The Syrah Or Shiraz Grapes

When it comes to making a list of the world’s most popular alcoholic beverages, wine will surely have to be at the top of the list. Wine is manufactured from grape juice that has been cooked at temperatures below 27°C in a process known ...Read More

10 Ways To Work Smarter With Your Daily Eating

With the endlessappiness that Un boxed & Unboxed experienced, she was not surprised when she continued to be admired by many. “Your slim figure looks absolutely fantastic, timeframe!” – a well-meaning friend! actress. “You look great in that slimmer top,” actressesaid. “It looks like ...Read More

How To Seal Food Parcels

With so many food options, how can you choose the right method for sealing your food? There are many options to choose from and each process is unique. Therefore, you must be sure you understand the process well before you begin your sealing process. ...Read More