Antioxidants And The War Within Our Bodies

My Bad Guys – Tips on Getting Them Into Your Life and Longevity!

Top 10 Nutrients that build your Health Away

clear drinking glasses on black metal rack

Maybe you found a way to Happiness with a Clean and Clean Body? GOOD! But we cannot assume. There are some things that are so inside us, that we are seemingly “alive.” Things such as bacteria, viruses, toxins, or even tumors can hide within our bodies. Fact is that around 75% of the immune system lies within the gastrointestinal track. Our diets can greatly reduce the quantify of toxicity we hold within our systems, however not the percentage of elimination.

Studies say that a large percent of cancers can be linked to dietary choices. With that mentioned, let’s examine some of the nutritional items that have the ability to fight Cancer in all of its forms.

Vitamin C is a super anti-oxidant that is highly present in parsley, broccoli, peppermint, rice syrup and cranberry. In studies, vitamin C can reduce the presence of free radicals in the body which are the main culprits in Cancer.

Lagging behind the cage like Violet, the strawberry contains a large amount of vitamin C. In addition, strawberries reduce going to the hospital for illnesses like Heart attacks and Diabetes. In addition, Vitamin C medical tests in reducing blood pressure and cholesterol, and vitamin C also reduces the RBC ( rushed and negatively affect reproduction).

Furthermore, the tomato offers a good source of vitamin C and bioflavonoids as well as lycopene which has been identified as a potential treatment in several types of cancer, particularly prostate cancer and lung cancer. As an added benefit, the high content of Vitamin C and bioflavonoids help repair broken capillaries, and also reduce blood pressure.

Soy is good for the heart, lowers cholesterol, and adds more life to your years. Unfortunately, a great deal of people have allergies to Soy, particularly those who were raised on non-Soy diet. Soy has been linked to decreased Memory, Forgetting, Stress, Obesity, and Heart Disease in a previous study.

Potatoes, while delicious and succulent, have been found to be one of the unreasonable foods in the diet of the average American. They are extremely high in carbohydrates, and starchy foods like potatoes tend to raise one’s blood sugar. Additionally, they are high in calories, and increase total cholesterol and manipulated triglycerides in the bloodstream.

Cholesterol is a fluid that is produced by the liver and helps maintain the health of our nerves and blood vessels. It is also responsible for many other functions like hormones regulation, cell membrane formation and oxygen transport, etc. Too little cholesterol leads to too much LDL (bad) cholesterol in the blood, which leads to the clogging of blood vessels and this is a real danger for the heart, because it increases the risk of heart attack. Munch on some chips instead of chips or just get lunch with salad and skip the chips entirely.

Milk, Cheese, and Eggs- High fat dairy products have been linked to high cholesterol, but a glass of milk has some benefits too, it is very high in calcium. Although calcium is very beneficial, a high amount can also increase LDL cholesterol levels, although it is great to get extra calcium through other food sources like leafy green vegetables. Milk has some beneficial fats that are good for you and it makes you full faster so you are less likely to want junk food. As an added benefit, dairy products with calcium are also high in phosphorus and this increases our bone density.

Now, everybody likes Ice Cream, and with good reason. It tastes great, but sadly, it is high in fat, especially so-called “low fat” ice creams. Ice creams with skim milk are sometimes called “diet” ice creams as they contain less fat than regular ice creams. They probably should be labeled “diet” ice creams as they are tricking people into thinking they are doing something good for their body.

Nuts- Nuts are full of fat, but they also have a good amount of unsaturated fat that is good for you. They contain Omega-3 fatty acids, which are extremely important for helping prevent cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and reducing inflammation. But you have to be careful about nuts as they contain many toxins like fir, which can make them rancid. Eat only a handful or a couple of nuts as they are very high in calories.

Soy sauce- Fitness experts advise us to replace cheese, butter and margarine with soy based products like cheese, tofu, and soy sauce. You can put it on rice, salads, eggs, sandwiches, chili, etc. You will be surprised to find that soy sauce is really good for you and packed with vitamins, antioxidants, and contains protein.
