10 Most Common Weight Loss Myths

Have you ever tried to lose weight in the past without success?

Maybe you were introduced to diet pills and fell in love with them? How about the ridiculous powers of the “machio tested” grapefruit diet? Or maybe it was the grapefruit itself that did it for you — you’re chocolate covered, of course!

view of assorted fruits and vegetables on the table

There are many myths around weight loss. Here are 10 of the most common ones:

“No meals or food can make you gain weight.”

Although it is true that certain foods and calories you eat can pack on the pounds, it is overeating that causes your weight to go up — not the calories. Every one of the extra meals you eat will be stored as fat in preference to being burned for energy. Eating “fat burning” foods will reduce the amount of time it takes you to reach your goal weight.

“Skipping meals is a good weight loss method.”

Although studies show that those who eat fewer meals during the day typically weigh less than those who eat four or more, it’s the kind of meal you eat that’s important. Breakfast, indeed, can be the most important meal of the day. The traditional breakfast of plenty of meats with a place of whole milk and eggs is a dieter’s delight — and a big no-no. The type of meal most preferred by dieters isn’t weakened by skipping a meal; it’s the bacon and eggs with a side of pancakes and syrup. At the end of the day, though, your weight loss comes down to simple math: If you eat more than what you burn off, you’ll gain weight.

“If you eat a Big Mac, you can eat anything you want.”

On the surface this seems like an appealing philosophy, one aimed at people who struggle with their portions. In the diet world however, this is counterproductive. A Big Mac is a high-fat, high-protein, high-calorie meal; not to mention, it’s built of over 30 grams of carbohydrates, most of which is starch. All of these factors contribute to unhealthy weight gain. When you want to lose weight, there are two important things you must do: reduce your fat consumption and increase your protein and complex carbohydrates intake. Even a minor change in your diet — from advertising and louder colleagues to natural, unadulterated food — can help you lose weight and get healthier.

“Dairy products are unhealthy.”

This statement is fully true, especially for cheese. But the kind of dairy products you’ll find in the grocery store are, in quantity, not all that unhealthy. In truth, many dairy products, such as yogurt and cheese, are packed with nutrients that can help (not hinder) your weight loss efforts. These include skim milk, which can be loaded with carbohydrate, calcium and protein; and low-fat cheeses, which have less fat and more protein.

“There’s nothing wrong with fast food.”

It’s hard to compare our modern, efficient fast food to the original, which is when it all began. Fast food isn’t the healthiest option, however. Its fast service and cheap ingredients are the two major factors. Unfortunately, the vast majority of fast food places utilize cheap, filler ingredients full of salt and fat that increase their meal prices and leave the eatereter Hamas with an unpleasant aftertastebuds. Add to this list of unwholesome and unhealthy choices, cheap, high-sodium, no-emon Started and Canned soups and salad dressings, and you’d only have to go through the drive-through once to get sample-iments of the kind of sodium and fat lead to gastrointestinal problems.

ice cream with chocolate and chocolate ice cream on clear glass